Sunday, October 14, 2007


Weight is a problem. Not just for me, for everyone. Whether it's "I weigh too much," "I'm too thin," or "How do I stay this weight?"

My roommates and I actually have a competition going. The game: Who can lose the most by Thanksgiving. The prize: Feeling better than the other three. As horrible as it sounds, it's true.

We brought a scale to school with us this year, and we each weigh ourselves everyday. (Sometimes more than once a day...)

Only one of us exercises (and even that is not a regular event.) Yet, we're all losing weight. We've been aware of what we're eating. Well, I should say, what we're not eating. I thought this was kind of ridiculous, but then today I experienced something that made me see why.

Today we polled our guy friends: whether or not they find two girls hot. (To keep this short, I'll skip on telling you why we asked.) These two girls are absolutely beautiful and the sweetest people I have ever met. Six guys said a definite yes to one girl and for the other... "Maybe," "Uhh, I don't know." I asked why. "Well, she's got to lose like, 45, 50 pounds." She actually only weighs 150, max.

I never felt so much like a beast before in my life. Since this summer, I have lost 25-30 pounds, and still weigh more than the 150 pound girl. The only thing I could think about for the rest of the night was what they thought of me.

Now, I want to lose weight more than ever. But not so that I could have any boy I wanted. It's so that I can turn down the boys who made me want to do it.

Motivation: Spite.

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